ALFABETİK ÜRÜN LİSTESİ Harf veya rakamlara tıklayarak Araştırma Kitlerini Ürün Adına göre listeleyebilirsiniz.
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Araştırma Kiti Elisa Araması İçin Ürün Adı, Ürün Kodu veya Firma Adına Göre Arama Yapabilirsiniz
Araştırma Kitleri Ürün Listesi
Ürün Kodu Ürün Adı Miktar Firma
7009 GAD Autoantibody (Isletest®-GAD) 96 test BIOMERICA
7008 Helicobacter pylori (GAP®-IgA) 96 test BIOMERICA
7006 Helicobacter pylori (GAP®-IgM) 96 test BIOMERICA
7004 Helicobacter pylori (GAP®-IgG) 96 test BIOMERICA
S-9133.0001 Fluoro ssDNA Caspase 3? - DNACasp? 50 tests BACHEM
S-9133.0001 Fluoro ssDNA Caspase 3? - DNACasp? 25 tests BACHEM
S-9132.0001 Ig-lambda (human) Immune Complexes Proceptor? ELISA Kit (Ig-?-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9131.0001 Ig-kappa (human) Immune Complexes Proceptor? ELISA Kit (Ig-?-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9130.0001 IgM (human) Immune Complexes Proceptor? ELISA Kit (IgM-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9129.0001 IgG (human) Immune Complexes Proceptor? ELISA Kit (IgG-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9128.0001 IgA (human) Immune Complexes Proceptor? ELISA Kit (IgA-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9127.0001 Vitronectin Proceptor? ELISA Kit for Membrane Attack Complexes (Vitronectin-sMAC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9126.0001 Vitronectin Proceptor? ELISA Kit for Immune Complexes (Vitronectin-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9125.0001 Clusterin Proceptor? ELISA Kit for Membrane Attack Complexed (Clusterin-sMAC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9124.0001 Clusterin Proceptor? ELISA Kit for Immune Complexes (Clusterin-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9123.0001 C5b-9 Fixed Complement Proceptor? ELISA Kit (C5b-9-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9122.0001 C5 Fixed Complement Proceptor? ELISA Kit (C5-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9121.0001 C4d Fixed Complement Proceptor? ELISA Kit (C4d-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9120.0001 C4 Fixed Complement Proceptor? ELISA Kit (C4-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9119.0001 C3d Fixed Complement Proceptor? ELISA Kit (C3d-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9118.0001 C3 Fixed Complement Proceptor? ELISA Kit (C3-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9117.0001 C1q Fixed Complement Proceptor? ELISA Kit (C1q-CIC) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9116.0100 Fluoro Thiol? - Fluorescent Thiol Detection Kit 100 tests BACHEM
S-9115.0040 Erythrocytes Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT) Activity Assay EIA Kit 40 tests BACHEM
S-9115.0024 Erythrocytes Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT) Activity Assay EIA Kit 24 tests BACHEM
S-9115.0008 Erythrocytes Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT) Activity Assay EIA Kit 8 tests BACHEM
S-9114.0500 Fluoro AChE? 500 tests BACHEM
S-9114.0100 Fluoro AChE? 100 tests BACHEM
S-9113.0100 Fluoro NAD/NADH 100 tests BACHEM
S-9112.0100 Caspase 8 Mito Casp? 100 tests BACHEM
S-9112.0025 Caspase 8 Mito Casp? 25 tests BACHEM
S-9111.0100 Caspase 1 Mito Casp? 100 tests BACHEM
S-9111.0025 Caspase 1 Mito Casp? 25 tests BACHEM
S-9110.0001 Fluoro MOPHOCL? - Fluorescent Myeloperoxidase Chlorination and Peroxidation Detection Kit 1 kit BACHEM
S-9109.0100 Fluoro EPO? - Fluorescent Eosinophil Peroxidase Detection Kit 100 tests BACHEM
S-9108.0500 Fluoro MPO? - Fluorescent Myeloperoxidase Detection Kit 500 tests BACHEM
S-9107.0100 Caspase 9 Mito Casp? 100 tests BACHEM
S-9107.0025 Caspase 9 Mito Casp? 25 tests BACHEM
S-9106.0001 Insulin (mouse) - ELISA Kit, (S-type) (delivery 3-4 weeks, may be longer) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9105.0010 Blocker Array II? 10 tests BACHEM
S-9105.0005 Blocker Array II? 5 tests BACHEM
S-9104.0001 C-Peptide (mouse) - ELISA Kit, (U-type) (delivery 3-4 weeks, may be longer) 1 kit BACHEM
S-9103.0010 Blocker Array? 10 tests BACHEM
S-9103.0005 Blocker Array? 5 tests BACHEM
S-9102.0100 Apo ssDNA? 100 tests BACHEM
S-9102.0025 Apo ssDNA? 25 tests BACHEM
S-9101.0100 Caspase 3/7 Mito Casp? 100 tests BACHEM
S-9101.0025 Caspase 3/7 Mito Casp? 25 tests BACHEM
S-9100.0100 Mito Casp? 100 tests BACHEM
S-9100.0025 Mito Casp? 25 tests BACHEM
Toplam 17480 sayfa içerisinde 17456. sayfayı görmektesiniz. İlk sayfa 17453 17454 17455 17456 17457 17458 17459 Sonraki Sayfa Son Sayfa